Janathon #25 – out and back again

Today I opted out of a morning run because an extra hour in bed was far more preferable. It’s always more preferable, but the need for duvet far outweighed the benefits of getting my run out of the way.

I chose to do a 3 mile out and back along a route with which I have a mental block. The way out is fine, but I can never be bothered doing exactly the same route back and I end up adding on strange loops and extra bits. I’m sure that this doesn’t make it any easier and yet I do it anyway.

After yesterday’s sensitive Shuffle episode, I decided not to take any chances and when Show of Hands came on, I stuck with them. Never underestimate the effect that a fiddle can have on your pace, particularly when you’re listening to something like Galway Farmer. If you have a listen, make sure that you get to just after 3 minutes – I do a very good impression of “stamping hooves and steaming breath” at that part!


Day 25/31 –3 miles
Ferrero rochers burned