Janathon #22 – off roading (includes cows)

Ah, daylight running! I feel very satisfied with today on all counts. Once I’d written my Stuff To Do list, lost it and then found it again, I managed a very effective morning and got lots done. Ginge was at work and when he arrived home, we went out to do the 5 mile route that he ran on Wednesday.

The lovelier side of frost - pretty trees and no falling over

We live in the village where Ginge was born and raised, so every route is littered with historical significance (sometimes about the village, more often about where he and his mates used to hang around having a less than legal drink) and they take me on routes that I would never go out on alone.

Half defrosted fields

Ginge (who has once again declined my offer to guest blog) remarked that he was finding the route easier today than he did on Wednesday. I put this down to the scintillating company and witty banter (he did agree that it was nice to have someone to point things out to), but more scientifically, Ginge reckoned that it was down to timing (afternoon instead of first thing). Apparently the optimum time to run is in the afternoon, unfortunately my head and my body disagree with each other on this one. I’m a morning person for doing things and if I don’t get things done then (including running) I’m much less likely to do them later in the day. I’m also more likely to get quite cross with myself for not doing them at the time that I ‘should’…

I hoped that Ginge had checked for trolls round here

I really enjoyed today’s run. It took my out of my comfort zone in terms of time (Running at lunchtime? Surely no good will come of this…), route and terrain (Fields! Streams! Leaf mould! Stiles!), I got to spend some time with himself and I didn’t fall over (thank you to everyone who wished my knee well – it’s fine, unless I prod at it. I will stop prodding at it some time soon).  I also got to see the only cows in the village.

Look Jogblog! Cows! In a cow house!

Unfortunately, I’m now sitting in darkness thanks to a very localised power cut (streetlights are on a few hundred yards down the road – conveniently this side of the pizza shop) and may never know what happened in Come Dine With Me.

Ooh, and the cumulative Ferrero Rocher count has gone past a century – 107 so far!

And this cow is near to.


Day 22/31 –5 miles
Ferrero rochers burned