Janathon # 10 – the early bird stumbles about a bit

When I ran early last week, I was relieved that I would only be doing early Janathon once a week. So why is it that a mere 5 days later, I’m up again for the first of 3 morning runs this week?

The main reason that I’m finding Janathon a lot harder than Juneathon is that there’s far more daylight in June than Jan. During last year’s Juneathon, 6/7 of the first week’s runs were done before 8.00 (setting off between 6:10 and 7:41), whereas it’s still dark at 8.00 at the moment. I’m enjoying my weekend daylight runs, but by the time that it’s light and I’ve faffed around prepared, run, faffed around, recovered, showered and changed, it feels like half the daylight hours have been lost. Add in the tweeting, blog  writing and (brilliant)  blog reading and it’s a wonder that Ginge is still speaking to me.

Which is why I find that I’m facing 3 early ones this week.

It is however, challenging. I’m quite a morning person, but have struggled a bit with the organisation of today. So far I have:

  1. Spent ages trying to locate a bra in my room pile of clean washing. Then found 2 of them neatly folded on the top of one of the piles.
  2. Put my Garmin out to get a signal nice and early… Only to turn it off while trying to put on the backlight. I didn’t manage to find the light and had to do some discrete hi-vis loitering on the street corner while it found a signal again.
  3. Had some grapes with my breakfast porridge. Not a problem in itself, but I bit down on one of them only to find that it wasn’t actually a grape, rather I’d put my omega-3 capsule in my mouth which resulted in me  eating porridge with a hint of kippers
  4. Put my car keys in my bum pocket and thought “I must remove those before these go in the wash”…

Given the above incidents, I’m pleased to confirm that this last one has been done. Have a good day Janathon  comrades!

Day 10/31 –2 miles
Ferrero rochers burned