Janathon #12 – mornings still prove to be challenging

The gods are determined that I’m going to do morning Janathons. 03:49 I wake up to remember that I haven’t reset my alarm clock to Janathon time. Ridiculous.

06:00 up. 06:19 out of the door. 06:21 scare large man running with large dog and jumping over large puddle (he was surprisingly graceful) by wearing fluorescent yellow and chirping “MORNING!” at him. Run bizarre looping route for 2 miles, get wet through with drizzle, go home. That’s about it.

I thought I was doing well avoiding any major mishaps, but then I scaled my foot with porridge and dropped my omega-3 capsule into the bowl. I think I’m going to start having Cocopops on Janathon mornings.

Incidentally, I was wondering what supplements other people take? I know omega-3 is supposed to be good for joints (which is handy) but the woman in the health food shop recommended it to me for my psoriasis (which I treat with a combination of harsh chemicals and whimsy). I’ve never given much thought to taking anything else.

Day 12/31 –2 miles
Ferrero rochers burned