Janathon #24 – don’t worry be happy

Janathon is clawing at the last few tattered scraps of my dignity. I’m not averse to nipping into town or wherever dressed in my running kit, but it felt a bit weird doing a full weekly shop round Tesco. Weird or not, the only way that I was going to avoid a Janathon fail was running home from the supermarket (while Ginge drove past me with all the shopping) so run home from the supermarket I did.

In all honesty, if it wasn’t for Janathon I wouldn’t have run today. If it wasn’t for Janathon, I would have just wanted to get the shopping done, have tea and hunker down for the evening. If it wasn’t for Janathon, I wouldn’t have had to run a miserable route (it’s along a bypass – what it bypasses isn’t particularly interesting, but is better than industrial estate to the right, housing estate to the left). If it wasn’t for Janathon, I wouldn’t have had really achy calves and Achilles that complained on every rise of the undulating path. If it wasn’t for Janathon, I wouldn’t have surprised myself by positive self-talking myself up the last incline despite wanting to give up (and I couldn’t give up and lose face after overtaking a man who took up the entire pavement, just by walking).

And if it wasn’t for Janathon, I wouldn’t have realised that my Shuffle seems to know just what I need, giving me Don’t Worry, Be Happy for the penultimate quarter of a mile.

Day 24/31 –3 miles
Ferrero rochers burned