Janathon #9 – All the ducks are swimming in the water

Daylight run again today, so it was a chance to do a village route that lacks both pavements and lighting, making it far too scary for solo runs in the dark. During last night, yesterday’s bear-paw hands episode revealed itself to be the lurking onset of a cold and I spent the evening snuffling, streaming and suffering as my sinuses started to seal themselves. Luckily the pre-emptive cure of honey and hot lemonade appeared to do the trick and, apart from being a bit snotty, I felt ok this morning.

As I set off, the sky was dark grey at the back of the house and bright blue at the front, so I ran towards the sunshine and tried to ignore my slightly aching legs.

I'm sure that the sun wasn't actually that size

Note to self, take more pictures that don't include bare trees

The route I chose takes me through quite a bit of farmland and always reminds me that I’m lucky to have this much green on my doorstep. I’m not sure what the farmers had been up to recently, but it seemed to have attracted the attention of a mass murder of crows, who scared the living daylights out of me as they all swooped over.

Minutes later there was loads of them and I was too scared to stop and take another photo

Dammit, more trees. I do like this photo though.

Towards the end of the route, I ended up with Lemon Jelly’s Nice Weather for Ducks playing in my head thanks to these fellas, who reminded me of the ducks in my toy farm when I was little.  Never mind mallards, these are proper farm ducks.

All of these ducks had heads, I promise

Day 9/31 – 5 miles
Ferrero rochers burned