Janathon #14 – getting your oats

The weekend has started early in our house – how can you tell? I’ve had jam on my porridge. Usually weekdays have a scattering of sultanas, but at the weekends various forms of sugar come out of the cupboard – jam, syrup, honey, a spoonful of demerara sugar… From Twitter, it seems like a lot of Janathon is being fuelled by oaty goodness and the comments on the Guardian food blog proves that for every bowl of porridge there’s a different special technique or secret ingredient to ensure perfection. Apparently all my additions are sacrilegious to proper porridge and it’s fair to say that I’m unlikely to win the Golden Spurtle. However, looking at the recipes, it seems that the Speciality Section did include porridge kedgeree so maybe I’m onto something with kipper porridge.

Today’s run was a 2 mile out and back. I have realised that running down the big hill just to turn round and run back up the big hill is a particularly miserable route in the pre-dawn darkness. Daylight running tomorrow!

Day 14/31 –2 miles
Ferrero rochers burned