Day 23/30 – recovery v2.0

As yesterday, this wasn’t a recovery run in the training regime sense, but neither was it a recovery run in the sitting outside drinking beer all afternoon recovery. Today was a recovery from going to see The Bamboos at Band on the Wall in Manchester. This was very much a night out with the cool kids – lots of Interesting Hair and clothes that you can can only carry off if you’re very young and/or very thin. I am neither, but this didn’t put me off dancing like a loon. I say dancing, it was more of an erratic jig – the heavily pregnant lady at the front (and I mean space hopper up the jumper heavily pregnant) was putting me to shame with her moves. Added to mutton curry and warm chocolate tart, it was a rather awesome night out, especially for a Tuesday, and well worth the achy legs this morning.

I did have the time to go out for a longer run this morning, but was enjoying bed too much so I just did the standard 3 miles. Morning run again tomorrow – the evening will be taken up with doing a big shop for camping and getting the car packed up for our early start on Friday morning. I’m childishly excited!