Day 21/30 – late

The week has not started well. Despite setting my alarm five minutes earlier than usual, it either didn’t go off or or I slept through it. The upshot was that I woke up at half six and eventually dragged myself out at nearly seven.

Two miles, neither fast nor slow.

This week’s Juneathon
Count: 7 Activities
Distance: 26.02 mi
Time: 04:41:09 h:m:s
Elevation Gain: 956 ft
Avg Speed: 5.6 mph
Calories: 3,251 C

And Juneathon all together…
Count: 21 Activities
Distance: 71.06 mi
Time: 12:54:51 h:m:s
Elevation Gain: 3,392 ft
Avg Speed: 5.5 mph
Calories: 8,893 C