Day 5/30 – Yet another brow

Yup. I did a new brow today. Downhill again, below is the elevation thingy which demonstrates why I am never, ever going to run up it.

All in all, it was another very quiet, uneventful session with not even a barechested man drinking a can of special brew to add a bit of exotic glamour to the day (spotted yesterday in the village at 8.15). Not too hot at 7.30, it was a  little bit overcast but this, with a bit of a breeze, made it quite lovely and I have learned from my previous mistakes and took water with me. Since this morning, the sun’s fought it’s way past the clouds, which provided the not really needed excuse to buy icecream and walk down the canal

I’m also pondering a bit of hillwork ( I think the heat is getting to me). Runners World advises using a ‘reasonable’ hill, but doesn’t clarify what ‘reasonable’ looks like. I have a sneaky feeling that our views will differ wildly.