Juneathon 20/30 – getting the hard shoulder

The fates were smiling on me this morning. I woke up with a start and the realisation that I hadn’t actually set an alarm last night. It could have been the early hours or it could have been horrendously late. Miraculously it was 5.00, so I managed a bit of a snooze and still managed to be out of the door before six.

Today was a lovely run, I felt strong and it felt comfortable. I jollied along up the road, pondered my options and headed up the track to the motorway (thank you Morning of Magicians) and looped back for a nice, tidy round three miles. It was a gorgeous morning and I would have loved to stay out longer but apparently I have to go to work. Pah

A big morning sky

The M6 northbound

Cows – snuck into the field while my back was turned

Another unusual bit of rubbish – this time a bit more family friendly