Juneathon Day 17: Indecisive

My rearranged week continues – normally Friday is a morning run day so that come 5 o’clock I can drive home safe in the knowledge that the evening will mainly involve sitting. Last night I went out with my mate for some food, a couple of pints and a good catch up (it’s been an embarrassingly long time between meet ups). I only had four pints (or as I explained to Ginge “I had two pints of something. And two pints of…something else”) but that’s more than usual on a school night and I knew that a 5.30 alarm call would be out of the question.

I wanted a quick run (it’s Friday after all) and settled on doing an Audiofuel interval session. This has become a regular weekly fixture in my running schedule and I’m amazed at the improvement that I’m seeing week by week. The downside to tonight’s session is that it was an out and back route that took me past the chippy, the Indian, the Italian and both Chinese takeaways. Twice. I’m on my own for tea tonight and the temptation was great. Instead, I came home and cobbled something together with things from the back of the fridge.