Janathon 31/31 – in which I collapse, face down in my porridge

Well that’s another another Athon signed off. 31 from 31. Running every day (despite not intending to that at all) and hopefully not incurring any niggling injuries along the way (I definitely see some foam roller action in my near future).

After Sunday’s long run, I totted up my mileage so far and it came to 95.5 miles. My total for Janathon 2011 was 103 miles. I ummmed and  ahhhhed about trying to beat last year, but decided that isn’t part of my Janathon story and chose to aim at 100, which left 1.5 miles this morning. I really didn’t want a repeat of Juneathon 2010 (when I got back to the tent after my ‘final’ run only to tally up my mileage and realise that I had done 99, so I went back out and did another one) so I did 2 miles. Just to be on the safe side.

I’m happy to confirm that this final effort has left my Janathon total as follows:

  • 31 activities
  • 100.65 miles
  • 17 hours and 31 miles
  • 3403ft of elevation gained
  • 12,354 calories burned

Which equates to around 150 Lindt balls (or 171 Ferrero Rocher in old money).


Saying thanks at the Janathon lunch

Thank you to everyone who chipped in to say thanks to Cathy for organising the 31 days of hell wonder that was Janathon – you’re a very generous bunch (it shows how much we all appreciated Cathy’s hard work) and we were able to get £100 Pizza Express vouchers (carbs, very important), £225 Amazon vouchers and some bespoke Janathon goods. Continue reading

Janathon #31 – This would be easier on the little train

I whistled. The little train failed to show up so I had to run instead.

For the final day’s Janathon, I ventured off to Haigh Hall with Ginge. The day began with a false start, we parked up and then discovered that my Garmin had been on all night and had run out of juice. So home we went, put the Garmin on charge, did a couple of jobs, went to town, went back to Haigh Hall, crossed our fingers that there would be enough battery to clock my mileage and set off. Continue reading

Janathon #30 – Fitterer and strongerer

I had a cracking night last night.  After buying a new cossie, I had my annual swim (in a 3ft deep pool – lots of splashing around and, for some reason, trying to do underwater hamstring stretches) and sauna (awesome, I want one in the back garden) followed by a couple of pints in the hotel bar. The rest of the evening went as predicted yesterday (apart from a change to a less terrifying DJ, yay!) and we eventually staggered to bed around 3.30ish. I’ve been asleep most of this afternoon…

At around 2am, Ginge was forced to endure a giddy stream of consciousness as I reflected on the general marvellousness of Janathon. At one point it went something like this “… and I feel fitter and stronger….What can I do next month?…I’ve got to carry on…I want to be fitterer and strongerer….”. So that’s my goals sorted for next month. Fitterer and strongerer.

Today’s run was snuck in before darkness fell, I was only going to do 2 miles but felt ok so I carried on to 3.

Nearly there...

Day 30/31 –3 miles
Ferrero rochers burned